Who I Am and Why I Do What I Do - The Creator's Cure

Who I Am and Why I Do What I Do

By Troy Salazar, Founder of The Creator’s Cure

My name is Troy Salazar, and my journey to where I am today has been anything but easy. Life has thrown its share of challenges my way, from physical and emotional trauma to severe anxiety I’ve kept hidden from most. Not out of dishonesty, but out of shame and embarrassment. For much of my life, I’ve been the "go-to" person when others needed help fixing things. God blessed me with the ability to be a talented "jack of all trades," and I’ve always had a passion for helping others in whatever way I could.

But being that person also came with a weight I carried quietly. I never wanted to let anyone down, even when I was struggling inside. Through all of this, I realized that while I could help people with their immediate needs, I yearned to make a deeper difference—a lasting one that truly mattered. My passion for building and fixing things will always be a big part of who I am, but I’ve chosen to save that for personal time for myself, family and friends. My life’s focus will now be on what I believe is most important: helping people heal, become healthier, and thrive, while I continue to heal and grow myself.

I’ve dealt with my share of physical and emotional pain, receiving diagnoses like borderline personality disorder, imposter syndrome, and crippling anxiety. I also struggled with medications in my younger years, losing a part of myself during those times. But I knew I could find a better way. I’ve always believed that healing is possible—not easy, but possible. I chose not to accept the life of being a victim. Life happens to us all, but we choose what we do with it. We either see only the problem, or we see the problem and seek a solution. I’ve always been driven to find solutions, even when the road was hard.

Over the years, I’ve developed a passion for understanding how our bodies work and how to heal them through the gifts God has given us: nutrient dense food, purified water, holistic supplements and nature. I despise selfishness, dishonesty, and the systems that profit from keeping people sick or stuck in their struggles. Science, in my eyes, should enhance our understanding of nature, not twist it for profit. When you try to manipulate what God has given us, you end up with side effects, both physical and spiritual. That’s why I’ve always believed in natural healing. It’s why, even as a teenager, I knew in my gut that vaccines weren’t for me. I didn’t fully understand my instincts then, but looking back, I know that God has guided me for a purpose—to empower others to break free from the lies they’ve been told about their health and to embrace the incredible powers of nature.

Now, my mission is to build something meaningful that empowers others. The Creator’s Cure is my platform to share the knowledge, remedies, and protocols I’ve spent years quietly learning. I wrote my eBook, The Creator’s Cure, as a user-friendly guide for families to take control of their health naturally. I want parents to know there’s another way to protect their families—a way that doesn’t come from a needle but from nature.

I’m not just here to sell products for a paycheck or waste anyone’s time. I’m here to offer real solutions. Watching children suffer—or worse, losing their lives—because of preventable, modern medicine-induced injuries breaks my heart. I want families to know there is hope and another way forward.

This is a journey of learning and growth, not just for others but for me as well. I don’t know a fraction of what I wish I did, but I won’t stop learning. That’s why I plan to enroll in Trinity School of Natural Health to become an accredited Certified Natural Health Professional. From there, I’ll likely continue education to become a Master Herbalist, expanding my knowledge and ability to help others.

This is my path, my calling, and my purpose. To heal, to empower, and to build a healthier, brighter future for families like mine and yours. Thank you for joining me on this journey. Together, we can make a difference.


Take the Next Step in Your Wellness Journey

If my story resonates with you, I’ve poured everything I’ve learned about natural healing, health, and wellness into my eBook, "The Creator's Cure." This comprehensive guide is designed to empower you with knowledge, remedies, and protocols that can transform your life and the health of your family.

Inside, you’ll discover:

  • Practical, natural remedies for common ailments.
  • Step-by-step protocols for holistic healing.
  • Insights from over a decade of research and personal experience.

Whether you’re seeking alternatives to conventional medicine or simply want to learn how to support your body naturally, this guide is for you.

👉 Get Your Copy of "The Creator's Cure" and start your journey toward better health today.

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